Selasa, 30 September 2008

Happy Aidil Fitri :)

tomorrow's big day for any moslem on this earth
after a month of fasting, begging for God's forgiveness, in this holy month
finally, it's aidil fitriiiiiii!
a day when we all reborn, be a new human being, like a birth baby
a day to ask forgiveness, gathered & uniting as one, bring peace and all of the other kindness

so first of all,
to all of the people who's reading my blog
im sorry, for all of my mistakes, if it's hidden or not
minal aidin wal faidzin everyone!!

Aidil Fitri in Indonesia has cultures like eating ketupat, or to have special menu like opor ayam, gulai iga, yummyyyy!!!!!
this day also gives opportunity to go back to your hometown, see your family that you haven't seen in a long time
to build silaturrahmi, which is peaceful brotherhood sisterhood in moslem
this day is a victory
this day is really holy

i guess i've sent a message to my friends and people i know
but actually
im really looking where to sent this message, or what number, what address, so i guess im gonna write this here

To : Daddy
In Heaven

Hello Daddy, Happy Aidil Fitri :) Wishing you're not lonely there
It's the 7th year we're not having you on this day
We miss you so much
We miss how we used to hold your feet asking for your forgiveness
Asking for your prayer
To hug you, to prep you some food
To have you kissed me on my forehead
To look at your eyes and smile at me
Oh daddy, I need you here
I wish that there you're happy
I wish that God take care of you, for sure =)
No matter how far you are I know you can always hear my silence scream
I'm sorry Dad, I haven't make you proud enough
I'm sorry, that when I have you here I wasted my time, I should've been with you more often
Thankyou Daddy, you've been taking care of me
7 years I lived with you is the time that I treasure
See you in my dream
Once again, Happy Aidil Fitri
I love you

I need, Vacation

my desire is : holiday!!!!
puh-lease i need some fresh air
if you do check my blog constantly you'll realize that i don't like it being home
this is a phase that every teenager has to get through in their lives (maybe not all of em, but most of em)
maybe it's only my 8 years older sister who understands, cuz my older brother's just a kkkrap, lol
but i do have limits for myself, i know what's good and bad what i should and shouldn't do
but, in this almost-2-weeks opportunity, GET ME OUT OF HEREEEEEEE
any girl hates it when her mother just screams and shouts at her every single day after you wake up until you go to sleep again
i've been dreaming of some vacations
i wish i could be real
like in my brain i've prepared what to buy what to bring i just want to have this holiday fun....
but this is some of the problems
first, i don't know i'll go with who
im an eleventh grader of senior high school remember?
just please, people
give me some fun :(

some of the places i've been dreaming :

Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi

Umang Island, Jakarta



a little examples of what we have here, in Indonesia :)

it seems that i love to be underwater so much, huh? lol. you dont have to die first to see heaveeeeen!

Senin, 29 September 2008

Pictures from Laskar Pelangi

Laskar Pelangi



Sd Muhammadiyah, Belitong

Last Movie I Watched.....

today my sister and i had some quality time together (again)
we went to mall then break-fasting together at sushi groove
we decided not to go home cuz home is hell, these days (for me)
after that we bought two tickets for a movie called "Laskar Pelangi"

this movie was based on a novel titled the same
and based on a true story also
Laskar Pelangi was a film about children who wanted to go to school so much
they're really poor for money, but rich for spirit
this school was going to be closed if there weren't 10 students
but then the 10th student came and they were the only student in Muhammadiyah Elementary School, Belitong
they fought so hard for this school
this film was about friendship, spirit, & really educational
there were really true and natural conflicts
which you won't find in any other studio lol
there are some of the characters i love so much

the first one is Lintang,
he was a boy from a really poor family, his father was a fisherman
and he had to take care of his 3 sisters cuz he's the eldest
if he wants to go to school he had to ride a bike from his house to where the school was
if you watch this film
that's kind of far far away land, huh? lol
he was really smart, nearly genius!
he was the best in math, he could do any calculations just with closing his eyes
do it really fast, and of course, answer the questions right
but then his father died, so he decided to stop school
cuz he needs&musts work to feed his 3 sisters
what a young brave boy.....

the second one is Mahar
he was the one who sings really good
the best in art & music
he brought his radio everyday and everywhere
he loves to sit on a tree then discovers any music from that old radio
he was the one who leads the team for the first time carnaval
and they won it!!! for the first place!

this is one of the must watched film this month!
almost teared me but i had my sister besides me so i've chosen not to cry hehehe lol
and to all of the foreigners this movie is an example for indonesians children spirit to fight for education
breath-taking, stunning, heart-touching
5 ratings! two thumbs up!!!!!

Minggu, 28 September 2008

Talking about Love

Love is not an everyday thing that every teenager talking about
This is a thing that's not happening in every single realtionship you have
People at my age are so naive that they're talking about this but actually they're feeling nothing
Love is not just about to have someone kisses you or hugs you or call you as their boyf or girlf
Please, it's way more than that
So for me there is no love at first sight, it's impossible
We could have someone's really adorable and charming the first time we met him/her
But hellooooooo
Keep your mind wide open!
It's not love i bet that
Love is accepting, understanding
Well if you only care about someone, for me it's not love
The way that you accept him/her in the way they are
That's it..
Cuz it's really hard than you just ask, "have you eaten" or all of that young love things
Ok I'm too young to talk about this
But this is how i feel when im with my boyf
Okay maybe I'll catch up with you later I'm busy right now

Life Failure

this is actually my sins since i took my first breath then i feel like now im failing...

# fail to be a good daughter like i've always been disappointing my mother every single day that she's mad at me and scream or whatever
# fail to be a good friend cuz i think that i haven't make em feel the real meaning of friendship
# fail to be a good girlfriend cuz i could never be good enough for him

those three aspects in my life which are really important, i fail them so i guess i fail to be a human being, like everything's nothing for the people around me whom i love so much, thankyou

Minggu, 21 September 2008

Last Weekend

Last weekend, actually on Saturday
In the morning I have prepared to see my dearest Metha
I've planned everything to go to her house
I've took a bath and chose what to wear
Then she sent me an sms that said
I can't go there because her Mom told her to accompany her brother to the barber shop
I've got everything nice and clean
I have done my hair and I'm dying to see her
Hu I'm feeling so sad
I really wanted to see her, and I didn't wanna be home anyway
But then in the evening, my sister got home
When we were break-fasting she asked me to go to the mall and watch a cinema
ABSOLUTELY YESSSSSSS! Then my sister took a bath, got her hair done, and me too (of course), when everything's ready, we took off!!!!!!!!!!!!
We went to the mall to watch Mamma Mia the show
After we got the ticket, we took coffee at Bengawan Solo
We had some chit-chats that were really great and fun =)
The first time I'm being really honest to my sister
Spoke up my mind and tell her what are my friends like and she asked me questions about my friends and boyfriends
It was really fun and I really enjoyed that quality time with her
I've never imagine that I could talk to her that free
But then well from the start I've realized that she's the one who really understands me
Even in quite way
Heheeeee I love you sister really I do (K)
Well I was kind of disappointed that we didn't take a picture together
Because moments like that were sort of hard to get
My sister's working and she's really busy, huuuu
Then we entered the studio because the movie has begun
The film was really awesomeeeee! Fun entertaining musical drama
Some of the people sang to the song that played from the film
Such as Dancing Queen or Mamma Mia!
The theatre was almost full and it was a really-really great film
My brother told me that the film was a remake
But I don't really know
So people this one is a must-watch-movie for this month!!!!!!!
It was about a 20 year old girl that trying to find her father on her wedding day, then she invited 3 possible choices but then the conflictssssss.... hhm you find out yourself
After we got out from the theatre we went home
Before we went home My sister and I visited my sister's friends at Pantai Gading resto for about 5 minutes, zz
FYI, There was one of my sister's friends named Eki, and he was really cuteeeee!
Then I found out that my sister had a little crush with him, he is a DJ and really friendly awwwww got an eye candy! wkwk
In the end, me and my sister got home but then she left to kemang with her friends

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

First Time Driving Off wo Official Trainer

ini cerita menegangkan
kalo takut jantungan silahkan ke theater sebelah
kampung ah, maaf ye

jadi gini.....
pagi ini, gue kan sehabis les nyetir mobil sm pak joko yg berjasa itu
ada deh pokoknya pelatih gue
naek vios
gue udh pede banget karena bisa nyetir di klender pegangsaan yg notabene rame bgt bnyk yg gatau diri
akhirnya setelah itu
dengan sangat songong terlintas di otak gue
"kerumah winda ah bawa mobil"
azek kan
terus gue izin nyokap, agak gak yakin dia
tapi boleh sih, walau dgn agak bete
akhirnya gue nelfon icha dan dia kerumah gue naro motor
santai bgt men
wuhuuuuu kalo ada yg kurang icha yg ngingetin
trs gue bnyk diceramahin ya lumayanlah
kata icha sih dia stress disetirin gue
padahal udh pelan
sampe2 pas di tol mau ke cilangkap (rmh winda)
gue dilampuin orang
gue tanya, "dilampuin kenapa sih gue ahelah" "soalnya lo kepelanan"
yah, sedih, ngik
masuklah mobil gue ke garasi.... dimasukin winda tapi
gue winda dan icha jalan2, gue yg bawa mobil
sumpah ya winda berisik banget, bikin panik, gue merasa latihan gue menyetir selama ini sia2
karena winda seheboh itu disetirin gue, :'( suram
seperti ini kira2

sangat panik
terus berfikirlah
kemana ya
ke tmii lah akhirnya
disana muter2 belok2, sampe latihan parkir
yg bikin asma kambuh
gajuga sih
yagitu deh -_-
nah pas pulang
icha mengusulkan "sampe rumah lo lo aja nda yg nyetir"
dengan berat hati
karena gue juga deg2an banget
daripada winda tereak2 mending dia aja yg nyetir -_-
gue nyetir berisik bgt gabisa nahan emosi
dikit2 neriakin orang
maaf ya kalo liat B 1672 JV agak ugal2an
pas pulang, udah asik tuh kan tol lurus doang
udah ngebut
pas mau keluar di pintu rawamangun
gue udh mau ke kiri
ditilanglah gue......
baru pertama kali bawa
gue udh deg2an keringet dingin gatau mau ngapain
untung muka gue meyakinkan karena gue udh mau nangis
jadi pas gue ngasih stnk
dia nanya, "simnya mba"
"dirumah pak di mama saya" "ktp?"
"ga ada juga pak, dimama saya semua dirmh"
"identitas yg dimiliki"
"loh mba ini gimana nyetir ga ada identitas, melakukan 2 pelanggaran, saya tilang aja saya tahan stnknya"
dan.......dengan bodohnya
di dompet gue cuma ada 2 lembar 100 ribuan
tapi gue nyesel ga foto sm polisinya
terus gue masukin di page ini
lalu, tak lama setelah itu. icha mengatakan
"gue ada gocapan dan, baru nyadar"
-_-" dendam abis gue sama lo..................
icha sm gue sepanjang jalan deg2an
udah gitu gue teriak2 terus, gabisa diem, dendam banget gue
semua kata2 mutiara udah keluar
lalu sampailah dirumah dengan selamat
the end

Kamis, 11 September 2008

twinda :''(

i miss you too nda really much
gue baca postingan lo
jadi sedih kangen bgt huhu
gue pengen bgt kerumah lo nda hari ini tapi kan lo les yah
jadinya gajadi :''(
gue kgn nda dgn kelebayan lo itu
gue yg suka bikin lo tertawa yah
gue kgn bikin lo senengggggg
gue seneng bgt sm lo soalnya lo selalu nganggep gue
selalu syg bgt sm gue nda :')
selalu merasa ditemenin sm lo
sedih yah nda? gue sedih juga nih
pokoknya setiap sm lo gue ngerasa ada yg ngejagain
gue kan terlalu kecil yah hehe
gue sedih bgt nda baca post lo sedih bgt hu
gue sampe bingung mau ngmg apa
yg lebih dari kangen tuh apa yah
harusnya sih ini gue isi di comment lo tp gue pgn org laen juga baca
twinda rarasati is my bestfriend no matter how far our distance is
you always have me girl


bsk 6blnan ya? ooh
menyedihkan bgt hari ini
sampe gabisa cerita

Rabu, 10 September 2008

You Don't Miss Your Water

as i sail with you across the finest oceans
on a way to find a key to our emotions
together we will move the clouds to brighter days
some people question what i say
try to break up you and me

but i know this love, between us is going stronger
you can call me whenever, from wherever
just remember that, i'll be there
through all the stormy weather
us break up never
we'll be together, forever

you don't miss your water til the well runs dry
but i believe so strongly in you and i
can somebody answer me the question why
but you don't miss your water til the well runs dry

as i close my eyes sit back while reminiscing
of when we used to fuss and fight but end up kissing
there maybe sad and painful times along the way
but in my heart you'll always be
everything and more to me

for i know this love between us is growing stronger
you can call me whenever, from wherever
just remember that, i'll be there
through all the stormy weather
us break up never
we'll be together, forever

you don't miss your water til the well runs dry
but i believe so strongly in you and i
can somebody answer me the question why
but you don't miss your water til the well runs dry

for you are always on my mind
you are always on my mind

you don't miss your water til the well runs dry
but i believe so strongly in you and i
can somebody answer me the question why
but you don't miss your water til the well runs dry

listen, if you ever get the feeling
you wanna play around start cheatin remember
you don't miss your water til the well runs dry.....

You Dont Miss Your Water - Craig David

a real boyf :'):')

NO! Don’t close it. Read till the end..

  • When she walks away from you mad - [Follow her]
  • When she stare's at your lips - [Kiss her]
  • When she pushes you or hit's you - [Grab her and don’t let go]
  • When she start's cursing at you - [Kiss her and tell her you love her]
  • When she's quiet - [Ask her what’s wrong]
  • When she ignore's you - [Give her your attention]
  • When she pulls away - [Pull her back]
  • When you see her at her worst - [Tell her she's beautiful]
  • When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word]
  • When you see her walking - [Sneak up and hug her waist from behind]
  • When she's scared - [Protect her]
  • When she lay's her head on your shoulder - [Tilt her head up and kiss her]
  • When she steal's your favorite hat - [Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
  • When she tease's you - [Tease her back and make her laugh]
  • When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [reassure her that everything is okay]
  • When she looks at you with doubt - [Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
  • When she say's that she like's you - [she really does more than you could understand]
  • When she grab's at your hands - [Hold her's and play with her fingers]
  • When she bump's into you - [bump into her back and make her laugh]
  • When she tells you a secret - [keep it safe and untold]
  • When she looks at you in your eyes - [don’t look away until she does]
  • When you break her heart - [the pain NEVER really goes away]
  • When she says its over - [she STILL wants you to be hers]
  • When she repost this bulletin - [she wants you to read it]
  • Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
  • DON'T let her have the last word
  • NEVER call her hot! Pretty and beautiful is soo much better
  • Say you love her more than she could ever love you
  • Argue that she is the best girl ever
  • When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
  • When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
  • When she says she's sorry, she truly means it
  • Because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
  • Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
  • Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
  • Treat her like she's all that matters to you
  • Tease her and let her tease you back
  • Stay up all night with her when she's sick
  • Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
  • Give her the world
  • Let her wear your clothes
  • When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
  • Let her know she's important
  • Kiss her in the pouring rain
  • && When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is :
    "Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"

Selasa, 09 September 2008

How Sad....

feel like i have no one
real alone
at home im alone
even if there are people but haaah
what's the matter
ga ngaruh apa2 tetep aja rasanya sendiri
teteh jauh di tulodong
nyokap lg sakit, gue mau sibuk salah
gue temenin kesannya gabutuh gue
gue udh mau bersihin lukanya gitu
eh pas mau numpahin obat ke kasa nykp gue blg
"udah ama mba aja deh"
pas gue liat mba gue di otak gue
"perasaan emg tadi gue mau kygt deh"
udh gt nykp gue ngmgnya dalem, gue lagi ngerjain tugas ribet bgt dikmr kaka
dia ngmg
"km kesini temenin mama kaka adhit aja gapernah ninggal2in mama"
kesannya gue ga ada gunanya jd anak
giliran gue disana rasanya sm sekali gue ga dibutuhin
ga ada rasa terimakasihnya
ada gue dikmr juga gadiajak ngmg
yg diajak ngmg kaka adhit doang
can you imagine how that makes me feel?
gabutuh apa2 deh gue gue cm pgn jauh dr sini
being home makes me even feel worse
baca aja post gue yg far away from home
and then
udh gini gue bingung mau cerita sm siapa
rasanya ga punya siapa2, kalo gue punya org yg bisa gue ceritain gamungkin gue panjang lebar cape2 ngetik disini
semuanya sibuk
rasanya ga ada yg ngerti gmn
semuanya lg jauh gitu
jadinya sendirian
haha, sedih
pacar gue kemana (?)
sibuk sendiri, yaudahlah
nambah2 pikiran dia aja..
udh cape juga dgr keluhan gue,hehe
kalo temen2
ngerasa udh kebanyakan ngerepotin ah
ada apa2 mereka lagi
hhmm hidup mereka kan ga ngurusin gue doang
jadi makasih ya blog gue syg yg mau gue cerita apa gapernah protes dan komentar
terima2 aja kan gue mau cerita apapun hehe
norak ah
abis bingung hrs ngpn :'(
see you..

Another Love Wordsssss

maybe i've told you all about this realy often
i love my boyf so much
im reaching this point where letting him go equals impossible
no matter how harsh you are
and what you told me, everything
every single word that you've said
i do understand it all, and sometimes it hurts me
but to stop loving you means i bury my heart down
eventhough youre not here
i bet that i love you still
the word important is no longer needed
i need a word that means more
more than important
i do love you more in every single breath i take
youre the one that i wish to be with
and im gonna stand here, no matter how long
waiting for you to come
i believe, someday we'll be together
the moment i've been waiting for
to see you is not an everyday thing right
but if it makes you happier to be with another then go
leave me here
i just wanna see the true smile from your face
i just need one reward,to see you happy :)
yg lagi main bola.. hati2 ya kepalanya.. waiting for your call -adani

Senin, 08 September 2008

Another Lonely Day

tiap mau berapa bulanan gini penyakitnya
berantem mulu
rasanya lo pengen gue gampar
bulan2 lalu kan lo yg marah2
sekarang baru giliran gue
knp sih sering banget matiin hp! ditelfon susah!
panjang umur km nelfon hehehe

Jumat, 05 September 2008

01.20 am

lagi2 ga ada yg nemenin
tiap ky gini pasti sendiri
sering kan, lg ngepost sendirian gt
sedih bgttttt
kyknya biasanya sih biasa aja
skrg sedih
butuh ada yg nemenin
pgn deh
janjinya ada yg mau nelfon tapi mana..
ga ada telfon masuk

lah kok ganyambung

Like what I Told You Yesterday

gue baru bilang kan yah gue pengeeeeeen banget jalan sm diskha
baru kemaren
baruuuuuu aja kemaren gue kangen2nya
hari ini ketemu :D:D:D
jadi kan 13 buka puasa bareng, minus zihan dan dini
eh gue ditelfon
diskha ikut dia mau jemput gue bareng suaminya si awal, SENENG :D:D
nah terus kan gue udh siap2 tuh, dgn segala keribetan perempuan
dijemput deh
ketemu deh sm makhluk ini
yg cantiiiiiiiik banget udah gitu dia pake sweater garis2,cealana abu2,tas silver,sendal coklat
dia sm awal kan tuh yaudah dijalan ngobrol2 gitu hu kgn
cerita2.... panjang lebar
ngomongin orang -_- udah gitu bertiga ga ada yg puasa
mati aja wkaka
terussssss ketemu anak2
buka puasa bareng
gue pulang bareng diskha lagi kan
ini dia
udah jalanan macet, diskha banyak mau
minta anggur kecil2, yg segede kelingking gue gitu
nah dari boulevard muterrrrr lagi ke deket makro, ke all fresh (rese kan, jauh tau)
udah si awal nyanyi lagu L-O-V-E
sambil sok2 maen piano, setir jadiin piano
pokoknya ngakak2, sampe cape
aduh senenggggggg banget
udah beli anggur sesuai kemauan si nyonya
nah ini
dijalan pulang
kita ngegosip.........
harusnya sih orang ini ga digosipin, terlalu parah, ya dis? wal? wakakaka
satu keluarga digosipin -_-
diskha ngmg "dan lo blm tau masalah si !@#*$#& ya?", "HAH APAAN DIS", "minta ceritain sm awal deh"
awal cerita......hal yg sangat mengejutkan,tapi asik (Y)
ada cewe gitudeh ehm yagitu, masa mau gue ceritain disini, z
awal blg
"muka dia sm sendal gue aja bagusan sendal gue" gue ngakak, sekenceng2nya, harusnya gaboleh ngakak!!!!!! terlalu parah kalo orgnya tau! AMPUN AHAHAHHA WKAKAKAKAKA abis gue inget gitu aduh gimana ya
awal melanjutkan

"kelebihan dia satu, dia punya semua kekurangan orang. kekurangannya juga cuma satu, dia ga punya kelebihan"

plis men, macam apa ini
yg gaktawa ganormal
maaf ya B 171 QT (biji kita)-_-
pokoknya seneng banget, nyanyi bareng2, ngegosip, ketawa2, sm ayah dan ibu gue :') gue masih kangeeeeeeeeeeeeen.... minggu depan kan punya rencana lg ya awal dan diskha see you!

Kamis, 04 September 2008

True Ugly Faces

jelek amat, terlalu pede ya udah tau jelek -_-

Diskha and the gank -_-

diskha oktannisa ishak, 5 oktober 1993
kangen, banget
kayanya hari ini post gue isinya kangen semua -_-
udah lama banget ya ga ketemu
terakhir pas lo jenguk gue lagi sakit :(
mau kangen2an dis
diskha ini temen gue dari sd
dulu sampe kelas 4 kita ini musuh
dari kelas 2
gara2 rebutan cowo, cinta anak bayi -_-
aduh norak banget deh dis
lo yang norak gue sih enggak wkwkwkw
udah gitu pas kelas 4, terciptalah friends city
ellya marsha nani diskha nesya
terus gue masuk deh
pas awalnya kan lo lo semua temenan sm gue tapi ngomongin gue kan
gue tau kali wakaka
yg kalo pelajaran cabut ke lubang semut (ini sebutannya)
masih kelas 4 sd, caur
terus berantem2 gitu, norak deh intinya
kelas 5, makin deket
namanya ganti, jadi blue fairies
inget gak, terus beli buku pas ganti nama lagi jadi foxy -_-
belinya di kidz station
masih inget banget, warna bukunya ungu
terus terakhir tuh buku dipegang nani
skrg gue gatau deh tuh buku ada dimana
simpen dong, kangen
kita nih sering banget slek2an
ditambah lagi, pas kelas 5 sem 2 ellya pindah
rese kan
ngeselin emg, we miss you ca
gue makin deket aja sm diskha
kelas 6, di 6a
bigfam of 6a, inget juga gak
wakaka, pokoknya sayang banget deh waktu itu
tiap ahri maen jiggy-jiggy joy satu kelas
terus maen alkaline
let me see your frankenstein!
what's that to say?
frank, enstein!
frank, frank enstein!
lagunya ada lagi, ada banyak
let me see you shoot the moon!
what's that to say
shoot! the moon! shoot shoot the moon!
maennya kocak, pake gaya
bikin lingkeran
terus lagu2nya disalahgunakan, jadi ngata2in orangtua
kan dulu booming banget tuh,zz
misalnya diskha
gini nih lagunya
let me see your ishak!
what's that to say?
is, ishak! is is ishak!
gue tau diskha gabakal baca makanya gue berani aja nulisnya HAHAHA
nah terus apalagi ya
ohiya pas bu neneng ultah a.k.a wali kelas
sekelas bikin kue
yg gagal -_- tp tetep enak
akhirnya dipake juga
bener2 handmade,soalnya mixer rusak
jadi pake tangan semuanya
tangan kotor dan menjijikan anak2 kecil kelas 6sd
terus pas bu neneng nerima dia nangis, lah
sedih ya bu kuenya jorok
wkakaka, tp enak bgt kan
pas mau masuk smp
mencar deh
marsha nani nesya labs, ellya di global prestasi
untung ada si diskha ini nih
terdampar di alazka
satu kelas
7d a.k.a aksel 1
kemana2 berdua ya dis, kayak anak paling angkuh diangkatan
terkenal dikalangan guru-guru kekompakan kita berdua, saking jutek -_-
duduk sebangku
apa2 berdua, semua org tau kmn2 gue sm diskha
selalu diskha deh,dia yg tau gue dari awal
yg bener2 ngerti,yg tau bgt gue orgnya gimana
sampe berubah2nya
diskha juga paling percaya sm gue
disaat yg laen gasama dia, tp ada gue kan dis =)
trs diskha keluar aksel, gue nangis
gue sebangku sm siapa dong
masa ga seangkatan,ga seperjuangan
diskha emte ninggal2in
masih sahabatan,terus
deket banget,walau udh gak sesering seblm2nya cerita2 tp gue selalu merasa dekat hehe
udh deh
gue lulus duluan, masuk 68
diskha dialazka
tautuh kabarnya
gara2 awal nih hu -_- peace wal
ya awal juga percaya sm gue doang ya wal wkwk
kangen bgt sm diskha
wal diskhanya gue pinjem dong sehari aja
gatau bgt skrg gmn kbrnya mau crtaaa2
dia gtau skrg gue SMA kyk apa
dia nganggepnya kyk pas jaman sd aja msh norak2
dis jalan yuk :'''(


kgn, he
syg bgt sm kmu
syg mah gausah diumbar2 ya Ga..
low profile aja yakan
ya intinya sih aku syg bgt
gaperlu semua orang tau

idiot -_-

pulsanya abis ya
huhu lagi asik juga
maen catur zz
aku masih kangen
kamu udah tidur belom?
aku belom beli pulsa
ngapain sih aku curhat disini
emangnya sekarang kamu bisa baca
biarin mau km bilang aku kyk anak kampung lg curhat
abis ga ada kerjaan
kamu ilang gitu sih
sms2 keeeeeeeeeek....
tp sms terakhirnya bagus deh :)
ga marah2 hehe
yg baca blog ini kan bukan kamu, pasti pada bosen deh
ngapain ya aku ngomongin km terus
knp sih, kesel jadinya
yaudah deh lo jauh2 sana


kgn deh
pgn ketemu Metha Nugroho
lagi sama2 seneng ya kita :)
tiap hari ketemunya sm metha
tiap hari pasti pelukan
terus cerita2
metha lagi heboh nih dia lagi seneng banget
gue juga seneng banget met denger lo seneng maunya lo seneng terus aja :)))))))
kalo ada apa2 kasitau gue ya met
gue selalu bersedia mendengarkan
ini post biasa banget
tapi metha yg luar biasa
jadinya dia yg gue tulis :D
sabtu besok buka puasa bareng ya ily

Wonderful Lovely Day pt. 2

back in my mood, rangga ga ngeselin lagi heeeee ;p
nah terus tadi sampe mana sih ohiya.
dia jawab "kamu tuh priceless yang saking ga ada yg bisa beli.... pokoknya ga ada harganya, tapi bukan ga ada harganya gratis gitu yang tapi tak terhitung" (yagitudeh intinya hihihi)
you're so cute deh i love you.... :)
dia udah kaya gitu segala macem ngmgnya rayuan gombal gue masih gengsi masih marahhh aja. gue blgnya ngantuk udh mau tdr klo mau ngmg2 aja, gue males ngomong gitu ya yang he
trssssss dia blg dia mau cerita biar gue tidur.. mendongeng gitu -_-
dia blg, "mau cerita apa?" "hhm cerita aku"
dia mendongeng deh, the most romantic moment, for me, i teared every little drop..
11 menit pertama gue rekam, pas dia blg "aku juga udh mau tdr nih" gue matiin, dan gue nyesel, knp ga gue lanjutin aja rekamannya... :( ceritanya detail, dari pertama kali gue kenal dia, yg gue selalu ngajak chat tapi tiap ngajak chat gue ngajak ribut, terus pas udh mulai deket, gue yg selalu curhat, tapi tukang ngilang tiba2... semuanya, dia yg dulu sabar banget, sabar banget, sabar banget, banget.
gue yg pas deket sm dia ngecewain dia.. sering ya kayagitu? hu :'( kamu lama sih ga beraniiii2 hihi
mulai smsan itu, agustus, awal, sebelum gue ultah, INGET
sampe ini nih, waktu hari ulang taun dia, gue gak ngucapin jam 12 malem, bayangin, gue tidur men. padahal deket udah lama ya Ga, oktober juga aku udah nulis di buku aku aku syg sm kamu..... 17 october udh kejadian love calculate HAHAHA ITU MEMALUKAN JGN DIBAHAS.
gue baru muncul jam 7 pagi, ngucapin. dan dia bales sedih banget "aku dari tadi malem cuma nungguin ucapan dari kamu....." intinya pathetic bgt it touches me so bad.
dia ngasih gue lagu, Daphne Loves Derby-Tennis Court Soundtrack
dia blg dia nyerah banget pas hari itu, jadi waktu itu cinta segitiga yagitudeh ahhhh.
gue ngerti banget itu lagu maksudnya apa dan gue gamau rangga jauh, gamau gabisa dan gabisa dan sangat tidak bisa.
"your words are cold, and the season is too.. the comfort in your voice is gone.. don't keep in touch, im better off all alone.........."
gitutuh kira2 ada liriknya kan gue sedih, tapi gue suka bgt lagunya :)
sejak saat itu
gue ga ilang2 lagi
gue ga ninggal2in rangga
jadi sebelum2nya gue sm rangga smsan yg guenya ujungnya ilang
disms balesnya kalo gak malemnya, ya besoknya
rangga dulu baik banget sih, sekarang? -_-
brb, back
pokoknya sejak hari itu tuh ya rangga blg smsan teruuuuuuuus
teruuuuuuuus2an smsan hehehe
gue ga ilang2 lagi
jadi milihnya maunya sm rangga aja :)
ohiya, kita sudah lama mengaku saling sayang ya
terus rangga juga udah berapa kali mau ninggalin gue
tapi gue keep terus
waktu itu gue egois banget, banget
sampai akhirnya tanggal 12 maret 2008, ehem
begini kejadiannya
lagi chat
gajadi deh itu kebahagiaan kita berdua aja
we changed our status to in a relationship
then we officially having each other
since that day, rangga is mine
baru 6 hari, we're distracted. perjalanannya panjang banget.....
sakit hati banget
nungguin udah lama banget buat sama dia
not for public ya kenapa2nya
tp we stayed in touch
pas gue lagi latihan saman buat 100 tahun hari kebangkitan nasional
tanggal 18 mei 2008, yaitu hari bokap gue ultah :')
rangga sms,
we're back together
terlalu panjang untuk diceritain
dari awal
gue seneng banget..........
tapi, masih 123 kan?
gue gamau berubah
gue masih sm rangga kok
gue gapernah nganggep putus
whatever may happens
i don't care
sampe sekarang ini deh
sampe malem kmrn ya
kegoblokan kamu
ngomong kok ga dipikir
tapi aku sayang......... :")
kita awet2 ya
bentar lagi 6 bulan
kamu jangan marah2in aku terus, aku anak orang hahaha
kenapa ya ga ada abisnya ngomongin kamu
kayaknya yg diomongin kamu mulu, kaya ga ada topik laen, ampe bosen ;p
abisnya ingetnya kamu terus
udah ah, rangganya nelfon, ciaoooooo
muah dulu deh

Wonderful Lovely Day

dari kemaren malem, jadi gini ceritanya.
gue kan telfonan sm rangga dari jam 8 malem sampe jam setengah 2.....(kurang lama gak wkwk)
nah dari jam 8 sampe jam setengah 12 tuh asik bermain, ya bermain catur monopoli congklak HAHAHA. yagitudeh intinya hhmmm privacy gue not for public -_- trsssssssss.. udah asik2 gitukan pokoknya gue tiba2 menurunkan mood (maaf ya syg hi ;p) pacar gue marah deh langsung nutup telfon, trs smsnya udh mulai emosi yg mengeluarkan kata2 mutiaranya itu z, sama2 ngeselin deh eh tiba2 rangga nelfon gue lagi gitu.
tp ga ada sopan2nya.
sama sekali.
bikin gue emosi banget minta temenin ngmgnya ga ada sedikitpun baeknya.
kan gue membuka topik dgn baik hati "aku besok sekolah Ga" dia jawabnya "iye bodo amat" segala macemlah blablabla. gue emosi lah udh malem2, minta temenin juga ga ada sopannya ky gini, gue bilang "yauda lo nelfon marah2 doang gue mau tidur" dijawabnya "ngapain tidur ntar aja ga ada kerjaan gue"
gue tau lo kangen tapi gengsi kan karena lagi marah2, zzzz
nah kita bete2an gitu abis dia nyolot gue nyolotin balik ABIS GA ADA SOPANNYA
gue sms deh "ngmngnya ga ada ngehargainnya banget lo"
dijawab "HA? mau di hargain berapa?"
ya siapa yg ga marah digituin coba buat cewe2 yg baca marah gak? marah kan? gamarah ganormal lo masa cowo ngmg gitu ke cewe??!
keadaan berbalik.
tadinya rangga yg marah2
gue maki2 deh tuh orang gue ngomong dalem tp masih mikir emang lo Ga gadipikir dulu, tentara kaya lo mau jadi apa Indonesia (becanda sayang cups)
gue marahhhhh.... bgttttt
udh gitu udh ngantuk
biasanya klo gue gamarah2 mana boleh gue tidur duluan
kesempatan bagus gue mau tidur aja HAHA
udh tdran di tempat tidur
eh rangga malah baik banget :):):) gajadi mau tidur
gue gengsi banget tuh kan jadinya gue masih pura2 marah aja
dia baik banget.... kalo lagi jahat gitu, sekalinya baek pengen gue masukin karung
"aku sayang banget Dan sm kamu, tapi kalo kamu marah2 terus gimana....."
sumpah jarang banget ngomong2 kayagitu
gue diemin gue malesssssssss bgt ngmg (gengsi)
dia yg ngmg kangen2 gitu, terus lebay
gue cm ngmg "ha"
dia blg "aduh kamu ngmg ha aja aku udah seneng banget yg penting suara kamu ampun deh kangen banget kamu mau ngomong apa aja aku seneng!!!!!!!!!!!! adem banget rasanya denger suara kamu tuh"
gue blg "lebay"
dia blg kalimat yg sama tp kata "ha" diganti "lebay" -_-
NGAKAK WKAKAKAKAKAKAKAA aduh brb ngakak, back
trs gue blg "klo km harganya berapa, haaaaaaha"
"aku mah gratisan yang, gratisan tuh murah banget loh, yg gratisan tuh barang2 rongsokan.....blablablablal" ampun yang, ampun. ampun gabisa banget marah sm kamu HAHAHA
bntr ya rangga nelfon, back
nah terus terus terus, sampe mana ya? ohiya
gue tanya deh, "aku harganya berapa"
rangga nelfon lg, lg manja bisa lama ini, bentar ya
udah setengah jam nih,
ah elah nurunin mood bgt, gajadi, kpn2 aja gue lanjutin ye, byeeeeee

Selasa, 02 September 2008

If Only you Could read This

rangga if i could tell you just how much i do love you oh... somehow it's tearing me.

just the way you talk to me everything even if you're mad it makes me love you more.
i just don't get it what's wrong with us inside of your mind?

i feel like im not the one i always do. there's a girl out there that will always have your heart.. i always know it, i realize :)

you know that no matter how much you hurt me, no matter how rude your words i could never let you go. i want you to stay, always.

everything we have been through it makes me stronger. i always wish that you'll never leave me but, i dont think thats the best for you

i know you can get someone better, i remember one of your pm "if you can have the one that you love,love the one that you have" i dont know if its good or bad but i got what you mean..

rasanya semua di aku kurang, kayanya ga ada apa2nya banget padahal udh mau 4 bulan. sedih Ga kalo inget dulu kamu deketin aku gimana. tp kenapa kaya gini ya. kamu bilang datar.... hhm selalu aku yg kurang. aku tuh syg bgt sm km tp aku bingung km juga apa engga. i'll never get tired begging you to comeback km tau mau gmnpun ujungnya aku bakal nerima km lagi. gaenak ya disyg sm aku.. hehe maaf ya ga aku sering banget ngebebanin
selama ini aku egois yah? aku pengen deh bisa jadi apa yg kamu mau, bisa jadi org yg kamu sayang. aku stuck disini aku gabisa moveon ga ada kamu sayaaang.. maafin aku banget ya aku bingung harus ngomong sm kamu gimana, aku cuma pengen yg kamu nyaman, apapun yg kamu blg ke aku aku gapernah bantah kan aku cm pengen kmu seneng walau buat kamu apapun yg aku lakuin ga ada yg bikin kmu seneng :(

apapun yg aku lakuin ujungnya km bilang sayang macem apa yah aku nih hehe apa yg perlu disayang dari aku yah.. aku takut ngomong ama kamu pasti salah, ujungnya aku yg dimarahin padahal maksud aku gak gitu kalopun kamu ngerti aku ngomong apa disini aku gamau km ngebahas apa2 aku cm pgn km baca aja he tp kalo gabaca ya yaudah. aku gamau ngebahas aku gamau ungkit aku gaminta tanggepan apa2 aku gapernah minta apapun dr kamu kamu bisa disini sm aku aja udh seneng banegt Gaaa.. thnx so much ya udh ngasih bnyk waktu kamu buat aku, i love you

Senin, 01 September 2008

Satanic Friend of Mine

Meitha&i says:
Meitha&i says:
dan laper dan
Meitha&i says:
beli yok
Meitha&i says:
Meitha&i says:
mau ga
Meitha&i says:
ah ngepet gue dikacangin
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
gausah bahas2 makanan kampret
Meitha&i says:
ke sushi ya yok
Meitha&i says:
apa ke sushi tei
Meitha&i says:
mau ga
Meitha&i says:
gue temenin deh
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
ayo met
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
gue juga udah gatahan nih
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
[c=0]Egyptian Mau[/c] says:
Meitha&i says:
gue gausa jauh2 deh
Meitha&i says:
indomie telor aja
Meitha&i says:
she knows any foods i love -_- well the truth is i love any foods zzz

Only for True Cat Fetish

Scottish Fold

Norwegian Forest

American Curl

Egyptian Mau

these are true best God's creatures