Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2008
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2008
Heaven 9-11
".....I try daddy but it hurts.. Is it true you're not coming home? Maybe someday I can visit you in heaven okay? It's time for me to go to bed now, I sleep with the light on. Just in case you come home, and kiss me goodnight. I love you so much, I miss you daddy...."
what can i do?
It's been so long since we've talked
And i have been here many times
I haven't slept at all in days
I just don't know what i'm doing wrong
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can i do to make you love me
What can i do to make you care
What can I do to make you love me
What can i say to make you feel this
What can I do to make you care
What can i do to get you there
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There's only so much i can take
There's only so much I can take
And i just got to let go
And I just got to let go
And who knows i might feel better, yeah
And who knows I might feel better, yeah
If i don't try and i don't hope
If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can i do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can i do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can i say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you thereWhat can i do to get you there
No more waiting, no more, aching
No more fighting, no more, trying...
No more waiting, no more, aching
No more fighting, no more, trying...
Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
Maybe there's nothing more to say
I'm just going to let it fly...
And in a funny way i'm calm
Because the power is not mine
What can I do to make you love me
I'm just going to let it fly...
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
What can i do to make you love me
What can I do to make you love me
What can i do to make you care
What can I do to make you care
What can i say to make you feel this
What can I say to make you feel this
What can i do to get you there
What can I do to get you there
What can i do to make you love me
What can i do to make you care
And love me..
What can i say to make you feel this
What can i do to get you there
And love me..
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008
LoveCalculator - List of Adani Nurimanina's crushes
Adani Nurimanina's top 3 crushes are:
1. alyielo6na57na58m - 70%
2. Rangga Abra Pradipto - 92%
3. alyu4el6oyal4o7v - 72%
And in case you forgot, your link is:
Your link was used 3 times so far.
Just remember to keep sending that link around to find out more people'scrushes!
Do you know how to kiss?
The new personality quiz is now available: By the way, if you reply to this email your message will never be read,because no one checks this mailbox. -
kalo yg ini gue ceritain ga ada abisnya, kampret lo Ga. tp kalo ga ada ini gak pede kan lo wakakaa
this email was sent on oct17 2007 -.-
so this is it, I feel like I'm so desperate to get my body shape looks perfect, oh please I'm so far away from that one, "perfect" sounds impossible, what a pity....
if you know me so you're gonna get normal with my body, I'm so short, short in short way, really short, real-short
when people first see me they're focus on my short petite fat circle body ouch that hurts
i just can't get rid of it
i hate this, i don't wanna have a body this bad
oooh.... i wanna get tall, i wanna get thin
like all of those barbies
girl's icons are that bitches dolls with pretty face long blonde hair
not this fat short girl like me
see see? it needs bravery to write this on
people who really love me won't care what i look like
they love me for who i am
even if they laugh at me sometimes, saying that im so small
they really care, they're not ashamed to have me as their friends,or as the girl that they're close to
whatever body im in, im happy (:
the important thing is im enjoying this life
but im not saying that body shape isn't important
so many girls would kill for 0 size
with long thin legs.... big boobs, sexy lips everything
just like what they see in magazines
oh why am i down again? stop stop
things i wanna do before i die
- I wanna get 170 cm tall and 46 kg of weight, I would give everything for this one
- I wanna bring my father come back to life, I give my life for you daddy..
- I wanna build a family with Rangga
- I wanna buy a penthouse to live with Metha
- I wanna be a dentist! dentist!
- I wanna go around the world with my own money, so the first thing to do is to raise it
- I wanna put that effing braces on my teeth urrh!
- I wanna exchange my face with Denise Richards', Nicole Richie's body, that's hot!
- I wanna kill any girl who try to break us up. back off
- I wanna have my room covered with candies, chocolates, make my own dreamland!
- I wanna stop biting my nails, aaarrr i hate this delicious habit
- I wanna eat ten boxes of ferrero rocher in 1 second if I could, then to still taste in the next 1 year
- I wanna be a better & happier person than I am now, and finally be the one that's best for everyone esp. you know who
Rangga you're still mine and I will never let any other girl touch your heart! I hate it when you're around the girls but... I trust you =)
'My dear captain, how shall I begin? I grew up near Geneva. I was a happy child. My parents had two other sons, Ernest and William, and they took in an orphan, Elizabeth. When I was seventeen, I went to the University of Ingolstadt. A professor there inspired me to study chemistry. This changed my life as I became obsessed with the search for the secret of life. I worked day and night for two years and, finally, I found the new secret. To test my discovery, I decided to create a new life in the laboratory.
I collected parts of bodies and, after two years, I was ready to bring my creature to life. But when I saw the monster I had created, I felt horror and disgust. How can I describe the monster? You could see the muscles under his thin, yellow skin. His hair was long and black. His teeth were pearly white, but his eyes were pearly white, but his eyes were watery and his lips black.
When my friend Henry Clerval arrived, I said nothing about the monster, which by now had left my house. Henry brought news of my family. They were well and had taken in a servant called Justine. Imagine my shock when a letter arrived form my father - my young brother William had been murdered!
I went to my parents' house. Just before I got there, I saw the monster running through the trees. I realised the monster I had created killed my brother! When I got to the house, I was horrified to discover that Justine, who had been found near the scene of the crime, was accused of the murder. I knew she was innocent but could say nothing. She was hanged.
Soon afterwards, while I was spending some time alone in the mountains, I met my evil creation again. The monster begged me to listen to his story. This is what he said:
"When I left your house, I came across a cottage and lived secretly in the barn watching an old, blind man and his children. I learne dhow to speak and I realised how miserable I was. I had no family, no memories, no childhood. One day, I decided to speak to the old man. He was kind and couldn't see my ugly body. But as soon as his children returned, they screamed and hit me with sticks. I ran away. On one occasion, I saved a girl from drowning in a river but when her friend saw me, he fired a gun at me. This was the reward of kindness. I promised eternal hatred and revenge on mankind. My first victim was your young brother. But now I want nothing more than a companion. I want you to make me a female companion and we will live together far away from all humans, I promise."
I agreed to his demand, though the idea was terrible to me. When I returned home, my father mentioned his wish for me to marry Elizabeth, whom I loved dearly. But before the marriage, I needed to go to England to complete my work.
Henry came with me to England and, eventually, I completed my second creation. As I was bringing her to life, I began to have serious doubts about what I was doing. But suddenly, my monster arrived. He said: "You are my creator but I am your master!" In my confusion, I broke the body into pieces. The monster left, saying: "I will be with you on your wedding night!"
The next day the police arrested me. I was accused of the murder of a young man. They showed me the body - it was my friend Henry! My monster had claimed his third victim. They put me in prison but, in the end, I was proved innocent.
I was haunted by what the monster had said about my wedding night and I wanted to destroy him. On our wedding night, I was checking for the monster outside when I heard screams. I ran upstairs, only to find Elizabeth dead! The monster was at the window. He laughed before he ran off into the night.
The destruction of the monster was now my only aim. I followed him all over the Earth - the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Russia - but he always escaped. He went north. I followed him to the frozen wastes of the Arctic but he as one step ahead. I was drifting on a piece of broken ice when, dear captain, you found me. I am dying. Please believe my tale and promise me you will do all you can to kill this monster.'
Those were his last words. He died in my cabin. I went out and then I heard strange noises. When I returned to my cabin, I saw the monster, a horrible creature, kneeling next to Frankenstein and crying. He told me how miserable he had been and how guilty he felt. He wanted to die and assured me he would destroy himself. Then, he jumped out of the cabin window onto the ice and was taken away by the waves into the darkness.
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008
A stands for
Adani Nurimanina
the one who knows everything about me
who knows all my secrets aaaw :D
cause i just think of her as the paper in
my private diary!
whatever life puts me thruogh she's always
around me...
to take my hand,hlod me tight,calm me down
really i can't smile Dan without you here with me!
i love you more than life
nb : created by Metha Hutami Winata, meaningful bgt ya..... :') heh rangga masa kalah lo ama metha zz
Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008
total madness
2. gue benci banget ada yg sok2 ngerti hal2 yg gak dia ngerti dan sayangnya itu teman gue sendiri copycat abis woyyyy males gaksih. ya sebenernya sih kalo gue berpikir dewasa ya biarinlah tandanya gue trendsetter tp gue emosi soalnya alay -.-" pokoknya lo gausah sok asik sok yg pertama tau gitu deh ngerti aja kagak. kalo ga ada gue juga gaktau kampret. jijik in gaksih kata2 gue tapi gue yakin bnyk yg merasakan hal yg sama.... gaksuka bgt gue ngpn diikutin, maaf aja ya kalo ada yg ngerasa, pgnnya sih gue tulis ngikutinnya apa aja tp ngajak ribut jd gajadi deh
3. tadi copycat skrg terfokus sm org2 yg sok asik sok paling ngerti segalanya, gakperlu kan lo teriak2 di depan kelas lo lo pernah minum vodka? tequilla? apalah gapenting kemana aja loooooo hahaha merasa paling gaul paling tenar tapi plis deh sadar diri lo semua tuh musuh sejuta umat, sok pada gaul sok ngumpul rame2 sok2 nyebut "anak2" males bgt gue dgrnya, tolong dehya gak pada norak gitu kayak lo lo semua orang2 laen itu dikenal karena org laen tau mereka bukan mereka yg heboh pgn dikenal, saking desperatenya gak ada yg tau kalian ya jadi heboh sendiri gitu, di pm2 lo ditulis semua bahasa sok asik yg gue sangat geli bacanya, gausah bangga deh lo bukan siapa2
4. dari hari kamis gue latihan saman sampe jam setengah 6 terus jumat ampe jam 5an sabtu gue emg dateng telat tp tempatnya panas blm ngapa2in udh keringetan siang2 mentereng capek banget kan. terus minggunya trace sight (traditional dances of sixty eight) diundang ke antv untuk mengisi acara planet remaja. metha sih blgnya "peace love and gaul aja dan" plis dongg..... wakakakakakakkaka swt. (plis deh jgn anggep metha serius) udah capekkk banget kayagitu mana belom makan udah emosi, dateng2 crew antv yg nyebelin itu mau liat gerakan, dan guess what panggung gakcukup.... tadinya mau bikin baris diagonal gitu dipanggungnya. dan tadinya yg dipinggir metha sm vera mau dikeluarin seenak jidat lo lo pikir gakcape latihan? make up pake baju segala macem? seenak itu lo ngomong? tae. akhirnya ada yg masih punya hati gakjadi di keluarin. tapi gerakannya dirombak ulang semua semau mereka aja gitu taigak. udh capek2 latihan, sok ngerti saman aja lo semua org2 antv kesel bgt gue. kan sblm tampil dikumpulin gitu....
. : gimana bisa kan gerakannya diganti?
kita : iya udh diatur kok
. (dia ngmg pake apasihtuh headphone gitu ke crew yg laen) : opung nih katanya udh bisa tadi sih gue udh ngebrief blablablabla
(gue gatau si opung ngmg apa)
. : iya emang gak bagus
HAHAHA LO PIKIR GUE GA DENGER WOOOOOOOY, tau diri men susah2 kale, kalo mau ngomong kayagitu jangan pas kita udh disitu dong, siapa suruh ngundang kita, dari kemaren2 kek diliat, sialan banget. ngerti kan emosinya kayak apa, udh capek belom makan gak fit banget badan udh gitu digituin. tolong ya buat orang antv kalo ada yg baca tau diri dikit, emosi bgt gue ama lo semua, ga ada respeknya banget lo. alhasil hbs tampil gue ama metha cabut ke kamar mandi, gue nangis tereak2 kenceng banget emosi capek (gue emg gitu he) ya udah ampe ada yg nanyain masuk ke kamar mandi "kenapa dek? suaranya kedengeran ampe luar" lo pikir gue peduli mau kenapa kek bukan urusan lo.
sedih ya :'( ngakak aja silahkan.......
5. hari jumat dompet gue ilang. jadi gini kronologinya, gue makan nasigoreng di ips 1, gue bw dompet. diliat2 ama onta. ditarolah di mejanya hazlan. udh gitu bel, gue buru2 keatas gue ga bawa deh tuh dompet. gue inget banget masih disitu. pas pulang udh raib, :'(:'(:'( nangis deh gue udh gitu duit gue tinggal segitu2nya, ada lagi orang ngutang bertingkah (haha ini sih beda cerita), emosi banget men...... ga ada duit gue miskin banget. pas sabtu gue mau ke antv (ini cerita sedih kalo gamau nangis buka blog laen) gue minta duit susah payah ama intan saking hausnya, dikasih deh goceng, baek ya tp mukanya gak baek wkakaka canda. terus gue beli s tee satu, berdua lah gue minum sm soulmate gue si metha... pesennya intan sih kembaliannya balikin, gue laper banget mau pingsan (lebay), gue lgsg kabur aja mengendap2, sisa duit 2.500 gue pake beli baso ber2 sm metha, tauga cuma dapet apa? pangsit 3 biji dan baso 1 buah yg bulat kecil pula. dimakan semangkuk berdua... sedih banget ya hidup gue?
lengkap sudah segala cerita. the end of this soap opera.....
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008
fw from : ich & the chipmunks
Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008
this is a total joke haha
jadi gini, i have a friend, dia punya cowo. and they're in long distance relationship. you know it struggles but they survive loh (hebatya iyadong) teruuuus cowonya ini punya bestf cewe, yg temen gue assumed she's more than just a friend to her boyfie, her boyfie told her he liked another girl, and my friend thinks it was her.....
ya sampe skrg mereka dekat sekali. bahkaaaan teman gue ini blm kenal keluarganya dan belom tau banyak and blablabla dan sahabat cowonya itu ya ehm udh deket ya sm keluarga cowonya (yagitudeh) terus direstuin mungkin.....? z
trs tuh cewe yg temen gue liat jauh........beda b g t yg segala2nya lebih baik dr temen gue. ya can you wonder how she feels? temen gue sm cowonya beda umur jauh bok sedangkan ama tuh cewe ya seumuran gitu yakan yassalam. udh gitu tuh cewe deket tempat tinggalnya ama cowo tmn gue, ya sering jalan bareng pernah berdua ampe malem banget ampe pagi bahkan (krik abis). and way more beautiful....physicly jauh lebih baik (ga adil ngomongin fisik but that's the fact) kalo cowonya temen gue knp2 pasti tuh cewe yg bisa bantu semuanya kayak tangannya ada 10, 9 dari tgnnya dikasih buat tuh cowo. ya temen gue sih apa daya tangan tak sampai...... jauh gini kan ya temen gue juga ngerti sih cowonya butuh ada yg deket ya taudehya tapiiii it hurts inside (sabar my friend) hahaha. suram amat ya.
jadi, for you, what should she do? temen gue ini cinta mati sm cowonya pasrah aja dia tapi kan she needs understandinglah. she's his girlf gitu.
kalo ampe ni cewe berani gangguin cowo temen gue, gue yg bunuh
Senin, 18 Agustus 2008
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008
01:38 AM
so far away from home......
nb : buat parents yg baca, maaf ya kalo ada kata2 saya yg nyakitin, atau kurang pantes. this is just my opinion what i feel inside as a daughter. we're daghters&sons aren't asking anything but understand. apalgi seumur gue, we're teenagers and so so so so so labil, we just can't control our emotions and we need you guys to back us up. tapi kenapa parahnya lo bikin gue ngerasa lebih buruk? malah nambah masalah kita? tolong deh, jangan cuma selalu kita yg disalahin kalo ada apa2. do you feel that you're good enough as a parents? kita tau what you do you always wanna do only the best for us tapi sometimes nyampe ke kitanya bedaaaaaaaaa ampun deh. tolong deh dipikir gak selamanya juga anda semua suci kenapa gakpernah ngerasa ada salahnya sih? ngerasa that you never hurt us? jaman kita beda ama jaman dulu ya.. kita emang udah terpengaruh banyak and adapt lah, kita gakbisa dididik kolot yang ada anak2 lo makin berontak. emang fasenya kita kaya gini, nanti juga ada waktunya buat bersihin diri yagak met?hahaha. sumpah deh i need a warm lovely situation in my home.. we know that our duty is to make you guys proud of us but how if ure not even helping? coba deh dipikir kalo jadi gue kayak apa, mending gausah jadi anak lo kalo boleh milih. if my dad were here :'(
this saturday night
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008
what a birthday..... 888 (^)
hhm maaf sebelumnya baru sempet update sekarang, agak basi mungkin yaaa...
08-Agustus-2008 00:00
Adanikan! happy birthday, may all your wish come true &have an everlasting love. hope you enjoy your new age &new life! i''ll see you soon baby. Ochielele
Metha Baby
08-Agustus-2008 00:01
Happy birthday my baby muah tambah tinggi ya syg ih sng deh pasti akhirnya tgl 8 jg.loveyou
nb : metha nelfonin gue 7x tapi ga gue angkat karena ketiduran. dan dia cuma sms begini yaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Rangga Boyf
08-Agustus-2008 00:01
Happybday to you. sorry ya dan ga bisa ngabar2in lg.enjoy ur bday.
nb : bagus banget ya ucapannya? hebat gak? asik ya bacanya? T.T
Teteh Meta
08-Agustus-2008 00:09
Happy bday little sister. Wish u all the best things in life ya dee. Hope u have a very lovely birthday. Teteh feat. Papa. I bet he's wishing the best also =)
nb : (tearing)
dan semua sms2 lainnya yang tidak bisa ditulis satu persatu terima kasih banyak yaaaaaaaaaaaaah! sms2 yg jam 12 itu baru gue baca jam 2, dan sms Rangga yg sangat bagus itu aku cuma bales "Thx Ga.." gitukan? hahaha it hurts so much taugak bacanya, lagi ultah men bawa berita buruk banget T.T u just don't know how much i've expected... and then gue tidur lagi.....
by the morning, when i woke up, i looked to the table beside my bed. lalu ada sebungkus kado disitu, ehem. ada suratnya, and when i opened it.........
8 Agustus 2008
Dear Adani,
Happy birthday my dearest little sister!! Ga kerasa ya? Hari ini umur kamu nambah 1tahun, udah 15 tahun aja umur kamu! Ga kerasa udah 1tahun yg lalu, aku kadoin kamu sepatu biru itu.. (itu kado aku tahun lalu kan ya?). Maaf ya, ulang tahun kamu yang sekarang aku ga bisa ngucapin langsung, akunya kan di tulodong!!
Anyway, i wish you all the best thing in life.. Semoga kamu makin dewasa, makin bisa menanggapi segala sesuatu dengan bijak, makin positif dalam segala hal, smua sifat2 buruk bisa diilangin, makin cantik, makin semuanya deh yang baik2. tapi yang paling penting, makin sayang sama keluarga!!
I just want you to know, it's a total joy and privilege to have you as a little sister in my life.. You're such a blessing..
Well, i'm lost for words now!
I hope you like my present! Take good care of it!!! Oh iya, kadonya dibuka pelan2, soalnya katanya siiih barang ringkih.. =)
Once again, happy birthday little sister!!
I love you more than life itself. Have a super lovely birthday!!
ya ya ya...... you could imagine how i felt. terharu banget deh bacanya sumpah i love you teh, speechless. sampe akhirnya gue buka itu kado pelan2 ya takutnya apaan gitu. lalu diboxnya tertulis HOLGA PINHOLE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA teriak lah saya lalu itu kado saya peluk erat2. senang sekali teteh dikasih kadonya, i don't like it i love it!!!!!!!!! im gonna take care of it of course!!!
sampe disekolah, banyak yang gaktau ya gue ultah gitu kan T.T jadi ya diem2 aja gitu. ya biasa ajaaaaa tapi banyak yg sms pada inget (makasih makasih) teruuuuus....... OHIYA, MAU CERITA DULU
jadi, sejak beberapa hari sebelum ultah gue, rangga a.k.a orang tersayang gue nyuekin gue karena we had a big fight before. sumpah ngomongnya dalem banget marah2 gituuuu terus diem2an, dicuekin abis2an. waktu itu sempet deh gue gakmau tanggal 8, sudah berharap gitu bakal ada apaan ya.... taunya malah berantem ;( dicuekin abis, diem2an. rese banget. belom lagi im having problem with family yang tak kunjung berakhir, and im sick of it!! gue sms rangga "im having no one banget deh, sendirian banget...." cuma dibls "Np dan" zzzzz belom lagi metha yang ditelfon gadiangkat2, salah apa ya gue mey? gue tuh paling takut udah kayak gitu gue takut ada salah sama looooo udah panik uring2an. DAN SATU LAGI YA, RANGGA DIKABARKAN SUDAH JADIAN SAMA CEWEEE, pm2nya rangga yang nama tu cewe gitu deh padahal kan rangga is my boyfriend, is my boyfriend, once again is my boyfriend so he's mine, i repeat rangga is my boyfriend so he is mine... sedih banget gaksih mau ultah si rangga jadian aja gitu sama cewe, emg lg ada masalah sm gue tapikan.......... udah gitu gue sensi banget ama tuh cewe dan rangga tau dan aku sebel sm dia Gaaaaa hahahaha! she's a good friend of yours yakan. sempet deh gara2 ini semua gue bilang sm semua orang gausah inget2in gue ultah gamau ultah gamau tanggal 8 maunya tanggal 9 aja!!!!!
lanjut ke hari tanggal 8, jadi itu jam 10an, gue lagi di perpustakaan kecil sama anak2 osis. gue lagi sama onta. and then masuklah sms
Rangga Boyf
08-Agustus-2008 09:38
lg plajarn apa dan
YA AMPUN SENENGNYAAAAAAAAAAAAA langsung lah saya balas dan beberapa saat kemudian...
Rangga boyf : halo?
Adani : iya?
Rangga : halo?
Adani : iya Ga?
Rangga : Adani bukan?
Adani : iya..
Rangga : happy birthday yah..
Adani : iya makasiiiiiih
Rangga : halo
Adani : halo Ga? Ga lagi ngapain?
Rangga : belajar
Adani : oh kamu lagi belajar
Rangga : eh ada metha gak?
Adani : hah?
Rangga : ada metha ga?
Adani : metha lagi lari lagi olahraga.. disini ada onta mau ngomong ama onta?
Rangga : enggak
Adani : hah?
Rangga : ENGGAK
Adani : ya yaudah jangan marah2
Rangga : yauda deh
Adani : yauda
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA seneng banget taugak percakapan pertama. SUMPAH SENENG BANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET parah2 senengnya undescribeable feeling im lost for wordsssssss..... udah gatau hrs blg apa dan gatau mau ngapain galebay -_______- terus yakan gue kan heboh ama onta gitu. and then i see metha to tell her what happened. "Met rangga nelfon" udah lemes banget gitu, and then she says "i know Daaaaaaan......." WHAT, metha told me whats goin on, semua itu dia yg ngerencanain, segala kriminalitas dan kejahatan yg cukup torturing meeeeehhhhhhhh. gue masih idiot dan ga sinkron. duduk sm methaaaa...... dia ceritain semua jadi dari kemaren dia yg jadi bosnya rangga nyuruh2 nyuekin gue lah segala macem tega banget ya, tapi it's my best birthday present afterall, ini my best birthday since my first breath! aaaaaaa seneng banget rasanya. gue yg udah tearing, berkaca2, eh si metha juga. metha bilang "seneng banget ya daaaaan, akhirnyaa" and then we hugged langsung deh the drama beginssssss ya we cried and i her so much :') metha thnks ya one more time. i wont forget this foreveeeer..
and then i received a message
Metha Baby
08-Agustus-2008 09:59
Eh pacar gua ulangtaun ya hehe happy birthday ya my best sister ever-Adani Nurimanina wish you all the greatest.. Hope you can be more mature than before. Im sorry im such a bad friend at last but not least i hope our friendship will last till the end. i love you more than you love your boyf and still love each other ya dan,makasi bgt ya udh jadi pendengar cerita terbaik yg paling ngerti aku,semua waktu lo dan hehe gatau gue bkal jd apa klo gada lo.. You're the queen of my heart muah love you so damn dan sng ga dtlf rangga?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT A BESTFRIEND....... :') my everything banget deh nih cewe kalo curhat tentang dia mah ga abis2 tauga.... seneng banget met bisa kenal kamu my only closest friend in highschool hahaha!!!!!! and about the call, kalo dipikir2 itu percakapan aneh banget ya gue sama rangga malemnya ngebahas masalah itu dan we laugh so much about it, stupid banget idioit sma2 salting. apacoba nelfon gue kok nanyain metha, terus ngapain juga gue bawa2 onta, salting duaduanya gitu aduh malunya -.- kenapa sih Ga lidahnya kenapa ngmong ama aku susah banget sih malu2 banget deh kamu? ahahaha aduh yang makasih yah muah i love you banget!
terus siangnya when i got home from school, gue masih didepan sekolah digerbang gitu sm metha dhyla macil ada icha juga. terus twinda katanya sihyahhhhhhh mau ke68, tiba2 twinda nelfon..
Twinda : DAN!
Adani : iya nda?
Twinda : lo dimana??
Adani : ya ini gue disekolah nungguin lo lo dimana?
Twinda : ahelah lo tuh dimana sih??!? gue tuh udah ampe abis 82rb buat taksi !@#$%*!? apan si dan @!*@&#^
(tut tut tut, mati telfonnya)
bingung, twinda kenapa coba perasaan gapernah ngomong yg harus disensor? marah kyk apa juga gapernah kenapa ni orang??? panik kaget sendiri. udah gitu pada nanya2 twinda dimana ya gue gatau orang twinda malah marah2...... waktu gue balik badan
disitu terdapat seorang twinda yang membawa kue dapur cokelat yang dibelikan untukku tertulis "Happy Birthday Adani"
hihihihi seneng banget deh makasih banget ya..........................sumpah seneng! uhuhu! terharu gue ah aduh kan jadi girang sendiri. and my first cake goes to meithaaaaa and then twinda lalu dyla lalu macil, disitu tidak ada orang lagiiii.. yah! bahagia banget deh hari itu, bener2 mau balik lagi. pengen rasain lagi. how excited i am!!!!
rangga langsung sms "bnyk banget ya yg baik2 hari ini, gajadi lgsg tgl 9 dong? hahhahah" diledeeeeeekiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin huahuahua.
hari itu everything goes really smooth semua menyenangkan and i really enjoy it. i love that day so much and i wish everyday's that daaaaaaaay sumpah sayang banget sm kalian yg sudah terlibat dalam ultah gue! mmuah! catch ya later! xoxo
Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008
another disappointment...
08/2/2008 6:40 pm
thats all?after 4months weve been together?So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I think im gonna work this out..idontknow why do that..if u still love him,just go back,why u only take a pict with him.iwill not ask you to stay withe me..if u dont love him anymre.its okay,but please let me go,and i'll fix myself alone..just that adani?ireally2 dont know what to say..
i could just answer this : "okay, it is all my fault, i'll let you go because i love you so much, i just won't see you hurt.. if it's better for you to be alone, without me, if it makes you smile even more, okay i'll do what you ask me too.. this is my punishment, i'll get through this.. be happy Ga, takecare.."
but, you know, you've read my latest post titled 12, it shows what i feel, huh? i just can't be without you, rangga. you know how much i love you. i can stand begging you coming back.. it's all empty, if it's without you.. you fill every second i breathe and can you imagine if it's all gone in one second? if it all passes away? no, i could just say no to goodbye, not now and forever